March 26, 2023: FreqEZ Band Decoder v2.2.0 released to general availability at
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Click HERE to read the announcement.
From Little Pistol to Big Gun, Ease-of-Use and Flexibility
FreqEZ is a combination hardware/software project that provides highly configurable Band Decoding and Remote Antenna selection. For amateurs who use N1MM+, Logger32, UcxLog, Log4OM, or DXLab logging software, FreqEZ will leverage those programs’ UDP packets for antenna switching. For other amateurs, FreqEZ can connect to the BCD band outputs available from most transceivers. Without available UDP packet or BCD band information, FreqEZ can also be used as a sophisticated manual antenna switch.
- FreqEZ software is a pair of programs running a Windows FreqEZ Console (freqezwin) and a Raspberry Pi FreqEZ Controller (freqezrpi). Both programs are free to all hams.
- FreqEZ hardware uses a Raspberry Pi platform with a controller board to enable remote antenna switches. The Controller hardware can be a pre-assembled and tested Raspberry Pi HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) circuit board purchased from K8UT or a Do-It-Yourself construction project from the provided parts list and documentation.
Four Example Configurations
1. Manual Mode: 1 Dis-connected Radio, 1 Raspberry Pi, 8 Outputs

2. Automatic Mode: 1 Connected Radio, 1 Raspberry Pi, 16 Outputs

3. Automatic Mode: 2 Connected Radios, 2 Raspberry Pi, 32 Outputs

4. Automatic Mode: 2 Connected Radios, 4 Raspberry Pi, 64 Outputs, Network Stations