

If you have problems building or operating FreqEZ, look for answers on the FreqEZ reflector. You do not need to register, or login, or even have an account to search for a solution to your problem. (Although you will need to register if you want to post a new question)

FreqEZ @ can be found HERE.

Notes for Software Developers

The UDP <RadioInfo> packet and its behavior is based upon the popular N1MM+ definitions. You can read about the <RadioInfo> packet in the N1MM documentation.

These are the fields that FreqEZ requires and harvests from the UDP <RadioInfo> packet. There are additional fields in the UDP packets from various loggers, but at least these must be included.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  1. XML tags are case sensitive. FreqEZ will not recognize <txfreq> frequency. Must be <TXFreq>.
  2. <app> is a short name of the logger sending the packet. Examples: “N1MM”, “DXLab”, “Logger32”, “UcxLog”, “Log4OM”, “FRStack”
  3. In Logger32, N1MM or DXLab Commander, if the radio is NOT in split mode, the logging program sends identical Freq and TXFreq values ​​in the UDP packet. When the radio is in split mode (SO2V) the logging program sends the Rx VFO as Freq and the Tx VFO as TXFreq. (FreqEZ tracks the TXFreq)
  4. If the logging program is capable of operating SO2R (for example, N1MM and DXLab) the logger sends two UDP packets – one for each radio. Both packets will include the same ActiveRadioNr – the tag identifying which radio has transmit focus and will be used for the next transmission. FreqEZ adjusts the antenna selection based on the <TXFreq> of the <ActiveRadioNr>
  5. If the logging program does not know the radio frequency upon launch (there is no initial connection to the radio from the logger), do not initiate sending any <RadioInfo> UDP packets at all (better to send nothing than to send something that is wrong)
  6. When the logging program knows the radio frequency (if/when the logger establishes a radio connection) send <RadioInfo> UDP packets with valid TXFreq values
  7. If the logging program subsequently loses the radio connection, continue sending <RadioInfo> UDP packets with the last known value for TXFreq until the connection is re-established

-larry (K8UT)


Current version of the Windows FreqEZ Console program, FreqEZWin.exe: 2.2.0
Current version of the Raspberry Pi FreqEZ Controller program, freqezrpi: 2.2.0


Larry Gauthier, FreqEZ Developer,

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