Current Version: FreqEZ2 v2.1.2
Published 2022-12-13, refreshed 2022-12-16 with CheckSum BCD fix
- FreqEZ2 Windows Console Setup.exe (unpack from ZIP): FreqEZ2 Windows Console
- FreqEZ2 Raspberry Pi Controller ZIP: FreqEZ2 Raspberry Pi Controller
- FreqEZ2 Documentation PDF: FreqEZhelp.pdf
Changes in version 2.1.2 (Refreshed on 2022-12-16 with BCD Checksum fix)
- New* IP Address auto-discovery
- New* Version control and tracking
- Bug Fixes: Station Name XML error, MD5 Checksum, installation Directory/Path error, Auto/BCD ChecksumMD5 error
This software is copyrighted freeware. You can use, modify, and distribute the software provided that you offer it and any derivative works as freeware. Any commercial use must be approved in writing by the author.
This software controls equipment that could be damaged by said software. You are responsible for installing, configuring, testing and ensuring that the software performs properly in your environment. The author cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages to other pieces of software, equipment, goods or persons arising from the use of this software.
By downloading this software you accept the above terms of copyright and disclaimer.